Wednesday, February 10, 2010

January 24 ~Moving Week~

What a crazy, insane week that was! Now I can look back and say "we survived". But at the moment, I had my doubts. It all just happened so fast and we had so much to think about, plan for and do in such a short period of time. And the move itself went as well as it could have. But the act of having to decide what we would need for the next 6-9 months for the apartment vs. what would go into storage (in the state of Delaware) was a bit overwhelming for me. So I was a madwoman for the week, trying to maintain some control over our household. As many of you have experienced having movers, you can understand the feeling of having your house taken over. It really is no longer your home at that point and you are at their mercy. And wow..the emotions and feelings that you experience. I know that change is hard for me and that I become attached to everything and everyone around me (to the point of being somewhat territorial), thus making the moving process even more difficult. Even when the move is positive and for the best, it's tough. But throughout this process, I was able to let go and move forward.
Curt was a rock throughout the process and although there were some arguments and tension, we worked well together for the most part. And we are still married....
Through the chaos, the girls were troopers. Thanks to the help of friends and neighbors, they were able to avoid a lot of the madness. Kids are so resilient and I believe that they do adjust better than we do. The dogs also did well under pressure and have transitioned well.

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